2024 Mary O'Neill Mini-Grant
Opens Jul 22 2024 09:00 AM (EDT)
Deadline Sep 2 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)

Eligibility: Applicant must be a current AFCPE member. If not a member click to join.

Award Criteria:

Mini-grant projects should contain the following components:

  • Description of a quality “deliverable” (e.g., publication, curriculum, class series, Web site, etc.)
  • Potential for easy replication or use by others
  • Impact evaluation component
  • Clearly defined project budget (Please note AFCPE policy on grant funding: Grant funding must be used directly for program development and implementation, no indirect costs may be allocated in the grant proposal.)
  • 1:1 matching (cash or in-kind, such as project director salary and employer-paid expenses or supplies)

A selection committee appointed by the AFCPE Board of Directors will review mini-grant applications and select an annual winner. The decision of the committee is final. The mini-grant recipient will be notified of selection on October 1 and public announcement will be made at the AFCPE Annual Symposium.

The grantee must submit a 1,000-word summary of the final results of the mini-grant project to the AFCPE national office and be prepared to present the final project at the 2025 AFCPE Symposium.

If mini-grant funds are used to produce written or media (e.g., DVDs, CDs) materials, the mini-grant grant recipient should send three (3) copies to the AFCPE office. If funds produce a resource that is shareable, resource may be listed under AFCPE Resource Center.

If you have questions, contact awards@afcpe.org.

2024 Mary O'Neill Mini-Grant

Eligibility: Applicant must be a current AFCPE member. If not a member click to join.

Award Criteria:

Mini-grant projects should contain the following components:

  • Description of a quality “deliverable” (e.g., publication, curriculum, class series, Web site, etc.)
  • Potential for easy replication or use by others
  • Impact evaluation component
  • Clearly defined project budget (Please note AFCPE policy on grant funding: Grant funding must be used directly for program development and implementation, no indirect costs may be allocated in the grant proposal.)
  • 1:1 matching (cash or in-kind, such as project director salary and employer-paid expenses or supplies)

A selection committee appointed by the AFCPE Board of Directors will review mini-grant applications and select an annual winner. The decision of the committee is final. The mini-grant recipient will be notified of selection on October 1 and public announcement will be made at the AFCPE Annual Symposium.

The grantee must submit a 1,000-word summary of the final results of the mini-grant project to the AFCPE national office and be prepared to present the final project at the 2025 AFCPE Symposium.

If mini-grant funds are used to produce written or media (e.g., DVDs, CDs) materials, the mini-grant grant recipient should send three (3) copies to the AFCPE office. If funds produce a resource that is shareable, resource may be listed under AFCPE Resource Center.

If you have questions, contact awards@afcpe.org.

Jul 22 2024 09:00 AM (EDT)
Sep 2 2024 11:59 PM (EDT)